Kids Summer Curly Camp


Prepare for the School Holiday with Our Summer Curly Camp '23! Join Now!

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Are you eagerly counting down the days until the end of term? As parents, we understand the sudden onset of fear and dread that can accompany the school holiday. But fear not! We are here to help you navigate your children's curly hair care during this time. Welcome to our Summer Curly Camp, an inclusive and informative program designed to make managing your child's curly hair a breeze.

Join Our Summer Curly Camp

Thornton Heath


Crystal Palace




Get Hands-On and Informative Experience

Are you ready to take charge of your child's curly hair? Our Summer Curly Camp is back and better than ever. It's a hands-on program where you'll learn valuable tools and techniques to make your child's hair not only look good but also feel easy to manage.

Gain Essential Knowledge about Curl Patterns

Understanding your child's unique curl patterns is key to effective hair care. At our Parent and Child Curly Hair Workshop, you'll gain valuable knowledge about different curl patterns, enabling you to provide tailored care for your child's hair.

Master the Art of De-Tangling

De-tangling curly hair can be a challenge, but with our expert guidance, you'll learn the correct techniques to ensure a pain-free and stress-free experience for both you and your child.

Discover the Right Shampoos and Conditioners

Choosing the right shampoos and conditioners is essential for maintaining healthy and luscious curls. Our workshop will educate you on different types of hair products, when and how to use them, and why they are crucial for your child's hair care routine.

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Multiple Sessions & Flexible Dates to Fit Your Schedule

We understand that family holidays and summertime getaways are already planned. That's why we've organised three different sessions for this year's Curly Camp. Choose the date that suits you best and secure your spot!

Save the Dates

Make a note of these important dates for the Summer Curly Camp:

August 1st
August 15th
August 29th

Event Details and Registration

All sessions of the Summer Curly Camp will run from 10 am to 2 pm at the Karen Wright Salon. Our welcoming and comfortable venue ensures an enjoyable experience for both parents and children.

Don't keep this exciting news to yourself! Share the opportunity to join our Summer Curly Camp with your family members and friends. Forward this information to anyone who might benefit from this informative and hands-on program. To register your interest or inquire for more information, email Stephanie at

Price: £38.00

Stay Connected With Us!

For more detailed information and regular updates on Curly Camp '23, follow us on Instagram: @KarenWrightSalon. Get inspired and stay in the loop with exciting content related to our program.

Prepare for the school holiday with confidence and empower yourself with the knowledge and skills to manage your child's curly hair effectively. Join our Summer Curly Camp '23 today and make this holiday a breeze!